Burke Hilarie
fine leather bags
fine leather bags
Chinese Nuns taught me to make my own underwear when I was 10. Two years later, while learning to sew with a machine, I landed in the emergency room with a straight pin down my windpipe. Nevertheless, I caught the bug. I learned to work with leather in the early 80´s while studying mime in Manhattan. I became enamored by this renewable, natural material that exhibits strength, flexibility and durability. I loved the tools of the trade: hammers, presses, glue and heavy sewing machines. My career path includes 20 years in movement theater, where, besides creating and producing theater, I designed all the costumes and props. When I turned 50, I returned to my early passion and launched Hark Designs.! Every time I create a new design, style is definitely at the heart of my intention. The pragmatist in me, however, refuses to set a new item on the shelf without equal consideration to function, durability, and attention to details. When it comes to colors, I just might immerse myself in frivolity! Every design has had multiple incarnations before I settle on the final product. My kinetic instincts inform my desire to create designs that feel good and conform to the human body. I have never carried a bag I did not make. I now get to share my bags with the world. All my delights are HANDMADE IN SWITZERLAND by yours truly! From my hands to your heart. Designerin Hilarie Burke kreiert ihre Kunstwerke in Leder von der Idee bis zum fertigen Produkt. Ob klassisch oder unkonventionellim Stil, die Taschen und Gürtel sind langlebig und praktisch imGebrauch. Kundinnen schätzen die persönliche Note, die sie durchFarbwünsche und andere Anpassungen an ihre individuellenBedürfnisse einbringen können. Ursprünglich aus den USA, lebt und arbeitet Hilarie in Flawil/St.Gallen. Sie schätzt es, nicht nur mit ihren liebevollgearbeiteten Kreationen Freude zu bereiten, sondern auch impersönlichem Kontakt von Frau zu Frau kreative Impulse auszutauschen. |